Class Model

class model.Model(filename, verbose=True, showlog=False, carbctrl=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiates model object and performs surface processes evolution.

This object contains methods for the following operations:

  • initialisation of gospl mesh based on input file options

  • computation of surface processes over time

  • cleaning/destruction of PETSC objects

  • filename – YAML input file

  • verbose – output flag for model main functions

  • showlog – output flag for PETSC logging file

  • carbctrl – carbonate control option


__init__(filename[, verbose, showlog, carbctrl])

Public Methods


Reinitialise model elevation.


Runs simulation over time.


Destroy PETSc DMPlex objects and associated Petsc local/global Vectors and Matrices.

Public functions


Reinitialise model elevation.

This function clears PETSc vectors and forcing conditions without having to reset the mesh structure.


Runs simulation over time.

This function contains methods for the following operations:

  • computes flow accumulation based on imposed precipitation field

  • performs land surface evolution from river erosion, transport and deposition

  • executes creep processes and marine depostion (linear hillslope diffusion)

  • records stratigraphic layers evolution and associated porosity variations

  • applies user-defined tectonics forcing (horizontal and vertical displacements)


Destroy PETSc DMPlex objects and associated Petsc local/global Vectors and Matrices.

Safely quit model.