Input file parameters


Input files for gospl are based on YAML syntax. The YAML structure is shown through indentation (one or more spaces) and sequence items are denoted by a dash. At the moment the following component are available:


Declaration example:

name: Global model from 20 Ma to present

    npdata: 'input8/elev20Ma'
    flowdir: 5
    flowexp: 0.5
    fast: False
    backward: False
    interp: 1
    overlap: 1
    rstep: 25
    nperodep: 'strat8/erodep20Ma'
    npstrata: 'strat8/sed20Ma'

The following parameters are required:

  1. the initial spherical surface mesh npdata as well as

  2. the flow direction method to be used flowdir that takes an integer value between 1 (for SFD) and 6 (for MFD)

  3. the exponent used in the flow direction approach. Default value is set to 0.42.

In addition the following optional parameters can be set:

  1. the fast key allows you to run a model without applying any surface processes on top. This is used to run backward model in a quick way, but can also potential be set to True if you want to check your input files prior to running a forward model with all options.

  2. when running a backward model the backward key has to be set to True as well!

  3. the interp key is set when running model with 3D cartesian displacements and allows you to choose the number of points that will be used when interpolating the spherical mesh after displacements. The key has 2 possible values: 1 or 3. A value of 3 will take the 3 closest nodes to perform the interpolation and will tend to smooth the topography over time. A value of 1 will pick the closest point when performing the interpolation thus limiting the smoothing but potentially increasing the distorsion.

  4. the overlap key is set when running model with 3D cartesian displacements and specifies the number of ghost nodes used when defining the PETSc partition. It needs to be set so that all the points belonging to a single processors will not move further than the distances between the maximum horizontal displacement distance. The value will change depending of the resolution of your mesh.

  5. to restart a simulation use the rstep key and specify the time step number.

  6. to start a simulation using a previous erosion/deposition map use the nperodep key and specify a file containing for each vertex of the mesh the cumulative erosion deposition values in metres.

  7. to start a simulation using an initial stratigraphic layer use the npstrata key and specify a file containing for each vertex of the mesh the stratigraphic layer thickness, the percentage of fine lithology inside each layer and the porosities of the coarse and fine sediments (the multi-lithology option is only available for model without horizontal displacement and when the backward key is set to False).


It is worth noting that all the input files require to run a gospl simulation must be defined as numpy zip array (.npz). This allows to directly and efficiently load the dataset during initialisation. This is specially efficient when running large models.


Declaration example:

    start: -20000000.
    end: 0.
    tout: 1000000.
    dt: 250000.
    tec: 1000000.
    strat: 500000.

time is also a required component of every input file. The following parameters are needed:

  1. start is the model start time in years,

  2. end is the model end time in years,

  3. tout is the output interval used to create model outputs,

  4. dt is the model internal time step (the approach in gospl uses an implicit time step.

  5. tec is the tectonic timestep interval used to update the tectonic meshes and perform the required horizontal displacements (vertical displacements are done every dt).

  6. strat is the stratigraphic timestep interval used to update the stratigraphic record.


In cases where the specify dt, strat and tec parameters are greater than tout, they will automatically be rescaled to match with the output interval. The tec parameter should be set to similar to the temporal time step used in your reconstruction (usually around 1Ma). This time step is used to perform the horizontal displacements. The vertical displacements are updated for each time step. When turn-on the stratal records will be output at the same time as the output ones, but the file will potentially contain multiple stratigraphic layers per output if strat is lower than tout.


Declaration example:

    K: 3.e-8
    d: 0.42

This part of the input file define the parameters for the fluvial surface processes based on the Stream Power Law (SPL) and is composed of:

  1. K representing the erodibility coefficient which is scale-dependent and its value depend on lithology and mean precipitation rate, channel width, flood frequency, channel hydraulics. It is used in the SPL law: \(E = K (\bar{P}A)^m S^n\)


It is worth noting that the coefficient m and n are fixed in this version of gospl and take the value of 0.5 & 1 respectively.

  1. Studies have shown that the physical strength of bedrock which varies with the degree of chemical weathering, increases systematically with local rainfall rate. Following Murphy et al. (2016), the stream power equation is adapted to explicitly incorporate the effect of local mean annual precipitation rate, P, on erodibility: \(E = (K_i P^d) (\bar{P}A)^m S^n\). d (\(d\) in the equation) is a positive exponent that has been estimated from field-based relationships to 0.42. Its default value is set to 0.


Declaration example:

    hillslopeKa: 0.02
    hillslopeKm: 0.2
    clinSlp: 5.e-5
    smthS: 2.e5
    smthD: 1.e5
    offset: 500.
    nldep: False
    nlf: 1.e-3
    nlK: 3.e5
    nlKf: 5.e5
    nlKw: 7.e5

Hillslope processes in gospl is defined using a classical diffusion law in which sediment deposition and erosion depend on slopes (simple creep). The following parameters can be tuned based on your model resolution:

  1. hillslopeKa is the diffusion coefficient for the aerial domain,

  2. hillslopeKm is the diffusion coefficient for the marine domain,

  3. clinSlp is the maximum slope of clinoforms (needs to be positive), this slope is then used to estimate the top of the marine deposition based on distance to shore,

  4. smthS is the initial surface smoothing used to define the downstream transport of the marine sediments coming from rivers,

  5. smthD is the smoothing of the surface added to the freshly deposited sediments thicknesses used to define the downstream transport of the marine sediments coming from rivers

  6. offset is the offset in meters used to evaluate from the smoothed surface the maximum marine deposition thicknesses as sediments move on the continal slope and deep offshore basins.


The following parameters are used to specify non-linear diffusion of rivers’ sediments entering the ocean. This option is quite slow when not used on multi-processors and you might want to first look at the results of the simulation without this option turned on.

  1. nldep boolean set to True to account for non linear marine deposition,

  2. nlf nonlinear marine diffusion exponential factor for the freshly river deposited thicknesses (only accounted for if nldep is True),

  3. nlK is the non linear diffusion coefficient for sediment deposited by rivers entering the marine environment (only accounted for if nldep is True),

  4. nlKf is the diffusion coefficient for fine sediment deposited by rivers entering the marine environment. This parameter is only used when the multi-lithology and nlf options are turned on,

  5. nlKw is the diffusion coefficient for weathered sediment deposited by hillslope processes and transported by rivers into the marine environment. This parameter is only used when the multi-lithology and nlf options are turned on.


Declaration example:

    position: 0.
    curve: 'data/sealevel.csv'

The sea-level declaration is defined with 2 optional parameters:

  1. the relative sea-level position in meters (optional),

  2. a sea-level curve e.g. a file containing 2 columns (time and sea-level position).


Declaration example:

  - start: -20000000.
    end: -19000000.
    mapH: 'input8/disp20Ma'
  - start: -19000000.
    end: -18000000.
    mapH: 'input8/disp19Ma'
  - start: -18000000.
    end: -17000000.
    mapH: 'input8/disp18Ma'
  - start: -17000000.
    end: -16000000.
    mapH: 'input8/disp17Ma'
    mapV: 'input8/dispv17Ma'
  - start: -16000000.
    end: -15000000.
    mapV: 'input8/dispv16Ma'

Follows the tectonic forcing conditions with a sequence of events defined by a starting time (start) and either a vertical only forcing (e.g. uplift and/or subsidence defined with mapV) or a fully 3D displacement mesh mapH. These displacements are set in metres per year.


As mentioned above and for the next key parameter as well, these forcing files are defined as numpy zip array (.npz).


Declaration example:

    phis: 0.49
    phif: 0.63
    phiw: 0.65
    z0s: 3700.0
    z0f: 1960.0
    z0w: 1580.0

The compaction module is turned-on when a multi-lithology model is ran (_i.e._ the npstrata key is defined). We assume different depth-porosity relationships for the 3 considered lithology types, the following parameters are required:

  1. lithology one (coarser lithology) porosity at the surface phis,

  2. lithology two (finer lithology) porosity at the surface phif,

  3. lithology three (weathered lithology) porosity at the surface phiw,

  4. e-folding depth z0s of lithology one (in metres)

  5. e-folding depth z0f of lithology two (in metres)

  6. e-folding depth z0w of lithology three (in metres)


Declaration example:

  - start: -20000000.
    map: ['input8/rain20Ma','r']
  - start: -15000000.
    uniform: 1.

The climatic forcing is defined in a similar fashion as the tectonic one with again a sequence of events by a starting time (start) and either an uniform rainfall over the entire mesh (uniform) or with a precipitation mesh map. The rainfall values have to be in metres per year.


Declaration example:

    dir: 'output-backward'
    steps: [5,10,5]

For simulations that require to be forced with paleo-topography maps obtained from backward models, you will also have to set this key composed of 2 parameters:

  1. dir the directory containing the outputs of the backward model,

  2. steps the steps from the model outputs that will be used to force the forward model topography.


The steps often correspond to the time where you have a paleotopography dataset that you want to match for example from a Scotese paleotopography map.


Declaration example:

    dir: 'forward'
    makedir: False

Finally, you will need to specify the output folder, with 2 possible parameters:

  1. dir gives the output directory name and

  2. the option makedir gives the ability to delete any existing output folder with the same name (if set to False) or to create a new folder with the given dir name plus a number at the end (e.g. outputDir_XX if set to True with XX the run number). It allows you to avoid overwriting on top of previous runs.