User Guide

This user guide covers essential features of gospl, mostly in the form of interactive Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts. Reading this guide, you will learn:

  • data structure used in gospl input file,

  • how to generate initial conditions like topography, precipitation and tectonic maps to force a simulation,

  • how to extract some of the output from the model results to visualise them in Jupyter notebooks,

  • how to run sequence of backward/forward gospl models using Python functions,

  • how to set a script for running gospl on HPC.

Notebooks cover just a small selection of functions as an illustration of principles. For a full overview of gospl capabilities, head to the API reference. For additional examples, you might be interested in the following set of examples available from the Stellar-SFM project.

Step 1 - The input file

Understanding the input file structure

Imposing initial conditions, specifying physical processes parameters and understanding how the input file is structured...

Step 2 - Tutorials via Jupyter notebooks

Installing additional libraries & the examples

Here we assume that you have followed one of the methods described in the Getting Started guide and have successfully installed gospl either via pip or conda.


If you are using the docker environment then the additional libraries required to run the pre & post processing files are already installed as well as the notebooks examples and you can skip this step.

Pre/post processing libraries

If you are using conda, you will first put your self inside this environment run:

source activate gospl-package

On Windows the command is:

activate gospl-package

We will now install some additional libraries. For conda:

conda install pyvista pyevtk panel netCDF4 gdown

or via pip:

pip install pyvista pyevtk panel netCDF4 gdown

Meshing libraries


stripy is a Python interface to TRIPACK and STRIPACK Fortran code for (constrained) triangulation in Cartesian coordinates and on a sphere.

The library can be installed as a pip package:

pip install stripy

JIGSAW Python is an unstructured mesh generator and tessellation library; designed to generate high-quality triangulations and polyhedral decompositions of general planar, surface and volumetric domains.

The library can be installed as a conda package:

conda install jigsaw

Installing it from source is also relatively straightforward once you have a C++ compiler and the cmake utility installed:

# Clone/download + unpack this repository.
git clone
# Install the library...
cd jigsaw-python
python3 build_external
python3 install

Notebooks examples

The notebooks are available from the Github repository but you can also directly download them as a tar file from here or using the following command in your terminal:

tar xvf notebooks.tar

Step 3 - Advanced workflows

This section does not provide any dataset but some of Jupyter notebooks, post-processing functions and scripts that one can use to run and analyse complex paleo-forcing global scale models.

Workflows for backward / forward model on moving mesh

A set of scripts and proposed workflows to run a model with plate motion and surface remeshing conditions.